During this conversation, Nancy reveals to Tina that she too had a dream about a man with the "finger knives". After the phone call with mother, Tina and Nancy talked about Tina's nightmare she had the night before. However, during the sleepover, Glen called his mother while using a radio to play a trick on her by making her think he is staying over at cousin Barry's place as an excuse for him not being home for the night.Īfter his mother believes he is with his cousin, she allows him to be out. Glen still goes over to Tina's house for the sleepover. Glen tricking his mother while Nancy and Tina watch. However, Glen's mother would not allow her son to spend the night alone with his girlfriend and his friends from school. She invites Glen and Nancy to her house as a source of comfort for herself. That night, because Tina is afraid of staying home alone due to her mother's untimely trip out of town. When Tina talks about her horrible nightmare, he claims that nightmares are normal and leaves just before Tina asks him whether he had a nightmare last night. Glen first appears as he drives Nancy, Rod and Tina to school.

However, Glen just took his dream as a regular nightmare. In the beginning of the first film, Glen, along with Nancy Thompson, Tina Gray, and Rod Lane, all had a nightmare about Freddy Krueger.

Glen walking to school with Nancy, Rod, and Tina. Years later, Glen and the other Elm Street children were born and Freddy, after being turned into the undead Dream Demon, vowed revenge on the parents that killed him and to extract his revenge, he will kill the parents' children including Glen. Eventually, the parents found Freddy at his workplace and lit the complex on fire, killing the trapped Freddy inside because he killed 20 children. In 1968, Glen's mother and father, along with Nancy's mother and father and other parents of Elm Street, all worked together to locate child-murderer, Freddy Krueger, and his abandoned boiler room where he takes Elm Street children and murders them. 1.6 Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revengeīiography A Nightmare On Elm Street The Burning of Freddy.